PASS Leasing Company provides the following products to the client or customer as explain below:-

Traditional Financial Leasing Product

A Financing leasing where there are three parts the contract A lease ,A lessor and Supplier of Equipment.

Whereby a Lessee choose an Equipment to specified supplier and the lessor pays the supplier for delivery of Equipment

The Supplier must maintain a Warranty, maintained arrangement and Buy back Option with both the lessor and the Lessee.

The lessee pays Directly to PASS Leasing in this product.

Micro leasing Product

This is a Financing lease product where the Equipment are small and/or Portable, under this Product the Equipment are of Below TZS 10M and are easily transferable to another part.

The lease is expected to be repaid within a year.

Value Chain Financing Lease

The Value Chain Financing lease is designed to serve Clients who need processing Equipment for Produces that are needed in industries or specific value addition industry with specified contract to deliver a certain quota of materials,

The lessee send the produce to Aggregator and the Aggregators pays the Lessor in a check off against the amount of produce delivered by the lessee.

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PASS Leasing

Working and closing hours and days

Opening Hours:

Mon – Friday, 8AM – 5PM

Saturday and Sunday: Closed

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Our Offices

Contact For Any Queries

Head Office

Patel Building 4th floor, Kisutu Street

P.O Box 9490

+255 (0)222110394

Dar es Salaam.

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